GreenCloud Solar Services

icon What We Do…

We are a solar installation company based in the midlands (Coventry) and pride ourselves on installing a quality solar system that will fit your budget. We aim to give you a great service based on our vast experience.

GreenCloud Solar design each installation by collaborating closely with of our domestic and business clients so that they understand each project and what it can do for them. We can fit Solar Panels and Batteries, and can also help with retro fitting.

coventry solar residential

icon Residential Services

Green Cloud Solar is a residential focussed business. We understand the process that our customers are going through when they install solar. Both directors of the busines . Ben and Richard have been through the same process with their own homes so know intimately all the nuances of owning your own solar system.

• Giv Energy Qualified Engineers
• Personalised Service to fit your property
• Step by step process for installation
• RECC accredited installers

solar business coventry

icon Commercial Services

If you are a business owner or manager, we can also help with commercial properties that require a larger solar installation. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

solar panels coventry

icon Are Solar Panels Right For Me?

When considering solar panel installation for your home, there are several factors to consider to determine if it’s the right fit for you.


The average solar panel system size is around 3.5 kWp, which typically requires around 20m2 of roof space. Make sure you have enough unshaded, South-facing space on your roof for the number of panels you need. East or West-facing roofs can still be considered, but North-facing roofs are not recommended as they will yield less energy.


Any nearby buildings, trees, or chimneys that cast shadows on your roof can negatively impact the performance of your solar panels. If shading is unavoidable, some solar PV systems have optimizers that can help minimize the impact. However, if you have no shading, optimizers won’t increase the energy output, they will only increase monitoring opportunities.


The ideal orientation for solar panels is south-facing, as it will yield the maximum electrical output. East or West-facing roofs will yield around 15-20% less energy than a south-facing roof.


In most cases, solar PV panels are considered “permitted developments” and don’t require planning permission. However, it’s best to check with your local planning office for guidance. If you live in a listed building, conservation area, or national park, additional restrictions may apply. You will also need to register your solar PV system with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO), usually, your installer will do this for you.


It’s important to have a professional assessment to determine whether your home’s electrical system is compatible with solar panel installation, as well as the correct sizing for your home’s energy consumption.

Got a question? Get in touch.

coventry solar support

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GreenCloud Solar is Accredited by:

recc accredited
givenergy accredited